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Introduction to Website Generation Methods: One-Page Website, MPA, SPA, SSR, SSG, PWA

· 3 min read

In modern web development, there are various methods to build websites, each with its unique characteristics and use cases. This article will outline several types to help you understand the differences and suitable scenarios.

One-Page Application (OPA)

A one-page website is an architecture where all content is presented on a single page, typically switching content through scrolling or page navigation. This approach is often used for simple websites or product pages to provide a smooth user experience.

Example: A personal website featuring an introduction, portfolio, and contact information, allowing users to view all information by scrolling through the page.

One-Page Application (OPA)

Multi-Page Application (MPA)

MPA is a traditional website architecture where each page is a separate HTML page, reloading the entire page when users navigate. This method is commonly used for websites that require Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since each page has a unique URL.

Example: A traditional e-commerce website where each product page and checkout page has a distinct URL, benefiting SEO.

Single-Page Application (SPA)